Educational Project Collaboration between
Japan and Vietnam

Gakken and DTP are advancing aproject for the publication and dissemination of picture books targeted atpreschool children in Vietnam. These picture books contribute to the development of children’s language abilities, reading comprehension, sociability, and creativity, there by laying a solid foundation for their future academic and professional success. By enabling children to have rich imaginations, understand diverse cultures and values, and acquire empathy and cooperativenessas members of society, we believe this initiative not only contributes to the individual growth but also enhances the overall educational standards of society and promotes economic growth. This effort is realized as the first project that both companies should undertake.

Benefits to Children from Ehon

Language Development
Early childhood is a crucial periodfor language acquisition, and picture books play a significant role inenhancing children's language skills by exposing them to new vocabulary andgrammatical structures.

Reading Comprehension
The habit of reading picture bookshelps develop children's reading comprehension. Understanding stories andacquiring information through reading fosters critical thinking andproblem-solving skills.

Stimulating Creativity and Imagination
The narratives and illustrations inpicture books stimulate children's creativity and imagination. Experiencingdifferent worlds within stories enriches children's minds with vivid images.

Strengthening Parent-Child Bonds
The time parents spend readingpicture books to their children is precious, deepening the bond between them.Sharing stories enhances communication within the family.

Developing Social Skills
Picture books feature variouscharacters and animals, offering opportunities to learn social values likefriendship, cooperation, and gratitude. Through these stories, children canunderstand relationships with others and develop their sociability.

Promoting Multicultural Understanding
Reading picture books from diversecultural backgrounds allows children to experience various cultures andlifestyles, fostering a broad perspective. This is a crucial skill in ourincreasingly globalized society.

Little Piyo series

Baby See Colors

The King of Play series

Lift series

Finger Board Book

Let’s Play Art

Damon series


Give me a hand


Tama & Baby

Would you like to translate your picture book and deliver it to the world?

Publishing in Growth Markets
Gakken will expand into growth markets in the future. We will work with strong local partners to establish supply chains and manufacturing systems.

Diverse Publishing Opportunities
We will expand into a variety of countries and languages. In addition to Vietnam, we may also expand into neighboring countries and publish non-educational publishing needs.grammatical structures.

Progress of digitization
Investment in digital publishing is expected to continue to grow as the use of e-books and online educational platforms increases. Access to and use of digital content is becoming easier in markets around the world.